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Automated Order Closing Process

Key offering

  • Intelligent automation
  • Deep Learning model for object detection
  • Two-way invoice verification
  • Automatic closing of order in ERP through digital worker 

Automated Order Closing Process

An easy-to-use automated order closing process that allowed an FMCG to automate their daily workflow using robotic power. This feature-packed two-way invoice matching process brought a visible difference in workflow efficiency and invoice processing. From deep learning model for object detection to two-way invoice verification to automatic closing of order in ERP through digital worker, and beyond.

Few points on the objective client wanted to achieve

An automated system that will:

  • Opens each invoice in a pdf reader and notes down the order number of the invoice.
  • Using the extracted data element, retrieve the correct invoices and add the invoice ID to the batch job for posting.
  • After staff will scan the invoices and place them into an agreed shared folder accessible to the robot. Robot will iterate the folder to extract the key fields from the documented using OCR
  • If record is found following two actions are performed
    • Invoice number is added to the Sale Journal Module (for posting)
    • Invoice (soft) copy is attached to the sale order record
  • If record is not found due to OCR or any other system error, this invoice record is added to another folder that is configured to handle such invoices to be handles manually

Key solution elements (business functions)

  • Extraction of key data elements using optical character recognition (OCR) system.
  • Automation of sale order closing process 
  • Automated process to enter all valid order numbers from processed invoices in the sale journal.

Key benefits achieved through this solution (qualitative)

  • Improved business results
  • Reduced wage costs.
  • Reduction of data entry errors and other manual errors
  • Faster service
  • Minimizing exposure to sensitive data

Any KPIs / measures that could quantify the benefits (quantitative)

  • Overtime reduction 
  • Increase in value-added work
  • Increased response time

Proposed automated ‘sale order closing’ process