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Backoffice processes automation (RPA)

Key offering

  • Backend robust process to create/ disable users in multiple systems based on the business rules.
  • The process to reconcile the financial reports with bank reports.
  • Enter build contract data to the transaction system through application interfaces.
  • Periodic process scheduling mechanism.
  • Workload distribution among the digital workforce.

Key solution elements (business functions)

PAI Robotics process automation digital work force facilitates the HR, Finance and industrial departments to automate their daily tasks. Below are the processes brief description.

  • Digital Workforce for Finance Department
    • Account Payable reconciliation process
      • This process reconciles the transactions between Oracle financial reports and the bank report using the pre-defined business rules.
      • It also reconcile the previous month’s discrepancies with the current month Oracle Financial report and the Bank report.
      • If any of the discrepancy is resolved, robot remove the record from the discrepancy list.
      • If there is any new discrepancy found while reconciling the Oracle Financial report and the bank report, Robot adds it to the discrepancy list.
      • At the end, Robot sends the oracle financial report, bank report and the final discrepancy report to the respective stakeholder by email.
    • Account Receivable reconciliation process
      • This process reconciles the transactions between Oracle financial reports and the bank report using the pre-defined business rules for the below receivable GL Account heads and have their own sub processes.
        • Online
        • ATM
        • KNET
        • Cash
        • Cheque
      • Then financial officer sends an email to robot’s email address in order to initiate the reconciliation process.
      • Robot reconciles the bank reports with respective oracle financial reports and prepare the discrepancy report.
      • At the end, Robot sends the oracle financial report, bank report and the final discrepancy report to the respective stakeholder by email.
    • Digital workforce at HR department
      • Create user
        • Robot keeps on checking the HR database based on a specified interval if there is any new used is created in HR system.
        • Robot creates the user in active directory, creates the email address in Exchange server and in support system i.e. BMC.
        • Based on the user’s department, robot looks up for the surrounding systems and creates user profile in those systems as per the configured business rules.
        • On successful creation of the user in all the system, robots updates the source system statuses and intimates the admins of all the concerned surrounding system by email.
      • Disable user
        • Robot keeps on checking the HR database based on a specified interval if there is any user is disabled in HR system.
        • Robots perform some validation checks by looking at the user inbox status in respective applications.
        • If user’s inbox are empty, robot start disabling the user in respective systems.
        • On disabling the user successfully, robots updates the source system statuses and intimates the admins of all the concerned surrounding system by email.
      • Transfer user
        • Robot keeps on checking the HR database based on a specified interval if there is any user’s department is changed.
        • Robot disables the user in the applications as per the user’s old department and creates the user in the new application as the pre-defined business rules.
        • On successful transfer of the user to new department, robots updates the source system statuses and intimates the admins of all the concerned surrounding system by email.
      • Digital workforce at industrial department
        • Create contract information
          • PAI has contracts with contractor to maintain the PAI industrial zones.
          • There are thousands of contract clauses in each contract.
          • It is very tedious job to enter all the contractual data in IAMMS application.
          • Robot gets the contracts via email and start entering the contract data using the application user interface.
          • Upon entering all the contract data to IAMMS application, Robot sends intimate the respective IAMMS admin officers and the department by email.
          • In case of any exception, robot intimates the stakeholder via email.

Key benefits achieved through this solution (qualitative)

  • Improved business results
  • Reduced wage costs.
  • Reduction of data entry errors and other manual errors
  • Faster service
  • Minimizing exposure to sensitive data
  • Decreased cycle times
  • Improved throughput, quality productivity
  • Increased data quality

Any KPIs / measures that could quantify the benefits (quantitative)

  • Overtime reduction 
  • Increase in value-added work
  • Employee retention and growth
  • Reduction of outsourcing/transfer to in-sourcing
  • More Business Process Reengineering (BPR)