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Software Quality Assurance Methodology

Verification implies that the development of the project is meeting our organizations documented procedures incorporating the industries best practices and ethics. While validation covers the basis of meeting the requirements within the products/services intended environment. Both components provide statistical metrics to deliver an accurate report on the quality of the product and service.

SQA Techniques

Preparation for Verification & Validation

As with all Processes and Best Practices, the starting point is the planning phase. In terms of Verification & Validation, this implies selecting the Product/Service or its individual Modules for a series of testing to ensure they meet the specifications. After which according to the requirements and the Product or Service is identifying the testing methods which are applicable, followed by defining the required tools, equipment and environment necessary to follow through each distinct testing method. However, the planning does not end there, inclusive within the phase is also establishing the required metrics to be yielded from the complete test cycles along with the experienced and dedicated resources essential to performing the tests defined within the Verification & Validation documentation.

Peer Review & Analysis

Although not a formal method of Testing, Peer Reviews are internationally recognized within the Industries Best Practices and are a proven method of improving productivity and the overall quality of the Product or Service. Initiated and conducted parallel to the development phase of any product or service and divided into two categories, Structured Walkthroughs and Inspections. The first entailing a formal scheduled inspection piloted by any fellow colleague or senior manager with the purpose of ensuring the code or process meets not only the requirements but encompasses our Organizations guidelines. The latter, Inspections are more of an informal review, though also conducted by a fellow colleague or senior manager they are not scheduled and provide essential feedback on the progress thus far.

Detailed Testing

The following table lists a high-level detail of the various test cycles a Product or Service are administered through, in no particular order. The numerous and vigorous test cycles are deployed as described during the planning phase, which not only defines the particular tests which will be applicable but also at which point within the development life cycle the test will be pertinent.

Independent Functional Testing

Ensures all the Functions/Code Objects are developed according to the Design Specifications and all required Functionality is present.

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Functional & Integration Testing

Ensures the Integrated Functionality is per Design Specifications and the required Functionality is present. Additionally checking whether the Product works as a Unit and meets the Acceptance Criteria.

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System Testing

Presumably the most comprehensive testing phase, starting from individual module testing and culminating with overall system functionality testing. Additionally, regression testing is conducted within the phase if and when required.

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Release Testing

Release Testing phase is initiated once all system bugs and defects are cleared and the Product is ready to be delivered to its intended environment.

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User Acceptance Testing

Also known as End-User Testing, concluding the Testing phases and is conducted within the actual environment of the Product ensuring all the requirements and functionality is met according to the requirements of the Customer.

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A sub-process of all the Testing phases, producing detailed test results for Management and all possible Stakeholders.

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